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Ephemeral Services

Dagger Functions support service containers, enabling users to spin up additional services (as containers) and communicate with those services from their pipelines.

This makes it possible to:

  • Instantiate and return services from a Dagger Function, and then:
    • Use those services in other Dagger Functions (container-to-container networking)
    • Use those services from the calling host (container-to-host networking)
  • Expose host services for use in a Dagger Function (host-to-container networking).

Services instantiated by a Dagger Function run in service containers, which have the following characteristics:

  • Each service container has a canonical, content-addressed hostname and an optional set of exposed ports.
  • Service containers are started just-in-time, de-duplicated, and stopped when no longer needed.
  • Service containers are health checked prior to running clients.

Some common scenarios for using services with Dagger Functions are:

  • Running a database service for local storage or testing
  • Running end-to-end integration tests against a service
  • Running sidecar services

Here is an example of a Dagger Function that returns an HTTP service, which can then be accessed from the calling host:

package main

import (

type MyModule struct{}

func (m *MyModule) HttpService() *dagger.Service {
return dag.Container().
WithNewFile("index.html", "Hello, world!").
AsService(dagger.ContainerAsServiceOpts{Args: []string{"python", "-m", "http.server", "8080"}})

See it in action:

Container to host networking

This also works in the opposite direction: containers in Dagger Functions can communicate with services running on the host. Here's an example of how a pipeline running in a Dagger Function can access and query a MariaDB database service running on the host:

package main

import (

type MyModule struct{}

func (m *MyModule) UserList(
ctx context.Context,
svc *dagger.Service,
) (string, error) {
return dag.Container().
WithServiceBinding("db", svc).
WithExec([]string{"/usr/bin/mysql", "--user=root", "--password=secret", "--host=db", "-e", "SELECT Host, User FROM mysql.user"}).

See it in action:

Host to container networking

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