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Just-in-Time Files

Just-in-time files are produced by calling a Dagger Function that returns the File type.

Just-in-time files might be produced by a Dagger Function that:

  • Builds language-specific binaries
  • Combines multiple input files into a single output file, such as a composite video or a compressed archive

Here is an example of a linter Dagger Function that returns the linting rules used by it as a file:

dagger call -m lint --source report

Once the command completes, you should see something like this output:

_type: File
name: ruff-report.json
size: 1476

This means that the function succeeded, and a File type representing the linting report file was returned.

Here is another example of a file builder Dagger Function that returns a ZIP archive of the cmd/dagger directory in the Dagger GitHub repository:

dagger -m call  archive-directory --name=dagger-cli '--directory='  create --format=zip