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Containers as Services for Local Development

Dagger Functions enable users to spin up long-running services (as containers) and communicate with those services from other Dagger Functions or from the calling host by forwarding their ports. This is akin to a "programmable docker-compose".


It is also possible to pass host network services to a Dagger Function, by explicitly specifying them as arguments in the form tcp://<host>:<port> when executing dagger call.

  • Each service container has a canonical, content-addressed hostname and an optional set of exposed ports.
  • Service containers are started just-in-time, de-duplicated, and stopped when no longer needed.
  • Service containers are health checked prior to running clients.

Some common scenarios for using services with Dagger Functions are:

  • Starting a database service in a function and using it for storage or testing
  • Instantiating a service in a function against which end-to-end integration tests can run
  • Running sidecar services

To start a service returned by a Dagger Function and have it forward traffic to a specified address via the host, use dagger call ... up. If no port information is supplied, all of the service's ports are forwarded.

Here is another example of starting an NGINX service on host port 80 with the Container() function of the nginx module:

dagger -m call container as-service up

By default, each port maps to the same port on the host. To specify a different mapping, use the additional --ports argument with a list of host/service port mappings. To bind ports randomly, use the --random argument.

To start the same service and map NGINX port 80 to host port 8080, use:

dagger -m call container as-service up --ports=8080:80

The service can now be accessed on the specified port - for example, in another terminal, execute the following command to receive the default NGINX welcome page:

curl localhost:8080

To start the same service and map NGINX port 80 to a random port on the host, use:

dagger -m call container as-service up --random