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Use Dagger with Alternative OCI Runtimes


This guide explains how to use Dagger with various OCI-compatible Docker alternatives.


It is possible to run the Dagger Engine container with any other OCI-compatible container runtime, not just those which are CLI-compatible with Docker. There are two possible approaches.

By default, Dagger tries to invoke the docker executable. To use a different container runtime instead, create a symbolic link to it in your system path and name it docker. This approach is suitable for runtimes which are CLI-compatible with Docker.

Run the Dagger Engine container manually

An alternative approach is to run the Dagger Engine container manually and set the _EXPERIMENTAL_DAGGER_RUNNER_HOST environment variable to point to the running container. If this variable is set, then Dagger will instead connect to the endpoint specified there. This approach is suitable for runtimes which are not CLI-compatible with Docker, or when using a customized Dagger Engine container.

The _EXPERIMENTAL_DAGGER_RUNNER_HOST variable currently accepts values in the following format:

docker-container://<container-name>Connect to the runner inside the given Docker container. Requires the docker CLI to be present and usable. Will result in shelling out to docker exec.
podman-container://<container-name>Connect to the runner inside the given Podman container.
kube-pod://<pod-name>?context=<context>&namespace=<namespace>&container=<container>Connect to the runner inside the given Kubernetes pod. Query strings params like context and namespace are optional.
unix://<path to unix socket>Connect to the runner over the provided UNIX socket.
tcp://<address:port>Connect to the runner over TCP using the provided address and port. No encryption is used.




This guide assumes that you have Podman installed and running on the host system. If not, install Podman.


Podman is CLI-compatible with Docker and therefore can be used by creating a symbolic link to the Podman executable in your system path and naming it docker:

sudo ln -s $(which podman) /usr/local/bin/docker

RHEL 8.x users may need to additionally execute modprobe iptable_nat.

Containerd (nerdctl)


This guide assumes that you have nerdctl installed and running on the host system in rootless mode. If not, install the full release of nerdctl and configure rootless mode.


nerdctl is CLI-compatible with Docker and therefore can be used by creating a symbolic link to the nerdctl executable in your system path and naming it docker.

  • To use nerdctl directly, create a symbolic link as below:

    sudo ln -s $(which nerdctl) /usr/local/bin/docker
  • To use nerdctl via lima, create the following shell script at /usr/local/bin/nerdctl:

    lima nerdctl "$@"

    Then, create a symbolic link to the shell script and name it docker:

    sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/nerdctl /usr/local/bin/docker


This guide described two approaches to using Dagger with other OCI-compatible container runtimes, and provided additional steps and guidance for Podman and nerdctl.

Use the API Key Concepts page and the Go, Node.js and Python SDK References to learn more about Dagger.